
Article | 7 min |
American farmers contribute significantly to the overall US GDP annually and figures in this regard highlight just how significant their services are. The last two years, in particular, have seen significant growth as farmers have looked to expand. With this level of growth, however, comes more overheads—particularly in the form of software and tech requirements. Read more here on what you should consider in your growth phase. Americans love to spend on food. According to data from the US Department of Agriculture, agriculture, food, and related industries accounted for $1.055 trillion (or 5%)...
American truckers have, for too long, had to handle crumbling infrastructure while working tirelessly to complete their routes. In November, the White House and Congress finally took action to rectify these conditions by signing the mega-bill Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) into law. The new bill, which could represent the largest investment in US infrastructure since the 1970s, may prove to be just what the industry needs. The Covid-19 pandemic sidelined many industries—but some, like the trucking industry, simply didn’t have the option to take a break. Traveling hundreds of...
Article | 5 min. |
The recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) has brought a sigh of relief to anyone involved in the construction industry. Over the last two year, this industry has been plagued by Covid strains, labor shortages, and a turbulent geopolitical landscape—all of which leave their mark and marring growth within the sector. Read more here as we discuss in detail the outlook for this industry. The world-changing events between 2020 and 2022 left their mark on every industry, construction included. Emerging Covid strains stunted new projects, labor shortages hindered ongoing ones...
In times of uncertainty, fact-driven, long-term planning is imperative for business owners. Understanding what experts are forecasting about the 2022 fresh produce growing season could increase profits for those in AgriBusiness. Every economic sector has felt the sting of the ongoing supply chain crisis, and has been forced to adapt accordingly. However, American produce farmers have incredibly narrow windows to work with, and often can't just wait for the materials they need to eventually arrive. Furthermore, the perishable nature of their goods drives a need for empty shipping containers...
Managing a restaurant franchise in 2022 is like a high-wire juggling act. There are so many pieces to keep an eye on, and one wrong step can send an entire service crashing. As eating out resurges, one of the smartest moves you can make is to alleviate staffing concerns. Quick-service restaurants (QSRs) fell prone to any number of difficulties over the past several years, on account of the havoc brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Perhaps the most challenging of these problems has been that, since services could resume at normal levels, QSRs have not been able to find employees! As consumers...